Your Performance Maximized
+91 86678 31944
Who We Are

Our Company

We are a company with strong roots in agriculture. Our founder and most our team members come from multi-generational farming families themselves. So, we use that real world experience and grit in running our business. When we started BioQuest, we made it our life's mission to always put our growers first because we know how it feels to be on the other end. We also believe that for better long term crop productivity and for a greener planet for our children we must address both crop and soil health. We want to do all this with a promise to focus on sustainability and being net carbon negative.

Our goal is to develop Natural, Organic and Sustainable products for global agriculture and consumer gardens. On one hand, we have a growing global population of 9 billion people. On the other, we have a rapidly decreasing amount of farm acreage. The challenge to provide food, fiber, and fuel over the next four decades has gotten very real. We want to jump headfirst into this fight and help address this global crisis by innovating holistic solutions backed by science to enhance crop productivity and protection.

What are you waiting for?
Contact us today.

Try our products today and see your yield and quality of produce increase drastically


Innovate and manufacture products for globally important crops such as Cereals , potato, sugarcane and horticulture


Did you know a single cup of healthy soil contains 200 billion bacteria, 20 million protozoans, 100,000 meters of fungi, 100,000 nematodes, 50,000 arthropods that work around the clock to help crops? So, the logical solution would be to create products that address the productivity and health of both crops and beneficial rhizosphere microbes. Yet, 99% of the products on the market only focus on overloading the crop with N, P & K which ultimately end up in our water sources. So, our focus is to create products that enable a highly productive and efficient symbiotic relationship between crops and rhizosphere bacteria, which will enable healthy crops with increased yields and a fertile soil teeming with life for decades to come.


All our efforts to make amazing products would be rendered useless if they were not safe or manufactured using non-sustainable methods. As a company, we are continuing to make every effort to innovate products and manufacturing processes that are carbon-neutral to fight climate change. Equally as important, all our products are derived from Natural, Biological and GRAS materials to protect the well-being of our growers, applicators, and consumers.

Tonnes of products sold
Tons of Chemical Fertilizer Displaced
Tons of Chemical Pesticides Displaced
Farm Acreage Serviced
What we strive for?

Our Goals

Organic, Sustainable Products

Create products with safe, food derived ingredients and Eco-Friendly Manufacturing Practices.

Increase Productivity & Efficiency

Provide Products that address the nutrition needs and overall health of the plant and rhizosphere bacteria.

Increased Efficiency & Cost Economics

Provide Products that create optimal environments for efficient use of plant nutrition & reduce costs to the grower.

Giving Back To The Community

Empower and support our community of rural vendors and family-owned businesses.

All of our products are
Natural, Organic & Sustainable